Saturday 15 September 2018

Exception Handling

Exception Handling

Managing Errors and Exceptions
Exception occurs only at the execution state of the program and can be generated in a java program if:
(a)    the array index crosses the range
(b)   a number is divided by Zero
(c)    the file one is trying to open , does not exist
(d)   the class file which a programmer wants to load is missing, etc.
some of the exceptions are detected at complied time and some others during the run time. In java exceptions that are detected at compile time are known as checked exceptions and exception that are detected during execution are known as unchecked exceptions.

In java Exception handling is done by five key words

  the general Syntax of Exception Handling Code
//block of code to monitor for errors
catch(Exception_Type_1 excp1)
//codes to handle the exception
catch(Exception_type_2 excp2)
//codes to handle the exception
catch(Exception_type_3 excp3)
//codes to handle the exception
//codes that have to be executed must

Types of Errors & Exceptions
  • ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException
  • ArrayStoreException
  • ClassCastException
  • IllegalArgumentException
  • IllegalMonitorStateException
  • IllegalStateException
  • IllegalThreadStateException
  • IndexOutOfBoundsException
  • NegativeArraySizeException
  • NullPointerException
§ NumberFormatException
§ SecurityException
§ StringIndexOutOfBounds
§ UnsupportedOperationException
§ ClassNotFoundException
§ CloneNotSupportedException
§ IllegalAccessException
§ InstantiationException
§ NoSuchFieldException
§ NoSuchMethodException

Example for Arithmetic Exception:
class arith
public static void main(String args[])
int a=5,b=5,c=10;
int z=c/(a-b);
System.out.println("Z value="+z);
throw new ArithmeticException();
catch(ArithmeticException e)

Example Array Out Of Bounds Exception
class array
public static void main(String args[])
int a[]=new int[5];
ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException ae=new ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException("Not In Range\t");
for(int i=0;i<5;i++)
for(int i=0;i<10;i++)
throw ae;
catch(ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException e)

Example for Illegal argument Exception
class MyClock
int hours ,minutes, seconds;
 MyClock(int hours, int minutes, int seconds)
if (hours < 1 || hours > 12)
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Hours must be between 1 and 12");
if (minutes < 0 || minutes > 59)
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Minutes must be between 0 and 59");
if (seconds < 0 || seconds > 59)
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Seconds must be between 0 and 59");
this.hours = hours;
this.minutes = minutes;
this.seconds = seconds;
public MyClock(int hours, int minutes)
this(hours, minutes, 0);
public MyClock(int hours)
this(hours, 0, 0);
public class ThrowTest
public static void main( String args [])
MyClock clock = new MyClock(1, 10,20);
MyClock c=new MyClock(1);
MyClock a=new MyClock(20,70,40);
catch( IllegalArgumentException e)
System.out.println("IllegalArgumentException is caught...."+e.getMessage());

Multiple Catch Statements

Sometimes there may be a chance to have multiple exceptions in a program. You can use multiple catch clauses to catch the different kinds of exceptions that code can throw. If more than one exception is raised by a block of code, then to handle these exceptions more than one catch clauses are used. When an exception is thrown, different catch blocks associated with try block inspect in order and the first one whose type (the exception type passed as argument in catch clause) matches with the exception type is executed.

Using Finally Statement

A finally block is always executed, regardless of the cause of exit from the try block, or whether any catch block was executed. Generally finally block is used for freeing resources, cleaning up, closing connections etc. Any statements in the body of the finally clause are guaranteed to be executed.

Throwing our own Exceptions:

There may be times when we would like to throw our own exceptions. We can do this by using the throw keyword.

class MyException extends Exception  
String s1;
MyException(String s1)
public String toString()
class Myclass
public static void main(String args[])
int marks[]={59,33,99,100,97};
int stno[]={1,2,3,4,5};
for(int i=0;i<6;i++)
if (marks[i]>100)
throw new MyException("invaid data");   // throwing user-defined exception
if (i<4)
throw new ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException("Array out of bnds");
catch(MyException e)
catch(ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException a)
System.out.println("Index out of range"+a);
