Sunday 31 July 2011

Java - Variable, Constant and Literal

Variable : You can assign the values to the variable once it has been declared. The values of the variable can be changed anywhere in the program if the variable is accessible in that scope. In this example we have used the variable  intvariable to illustrate this.
Constants: Constants are declared using the final keyword. The values of the constant can't be changed once its declared.
Literal : literal is an explicit number or string constant used in Java programs. This specifies the syntax of your declaration of different types of values and operations. That mean literal is totally based on the syntax. Whenever you want to show the message with java special symbols then you have to use the literals. For example to show the message "Directory of this file : c:\code\" then you can write as shown below
System.out.println("Directory of this file : c:\\code\\");
There are three type of literals : Numeric Literals, Char type Literals, String Literals as follows.
Code of the Program : 
public class varconstltr{
  public static final int constint=5;
  public static void main(String[] args){
  int intvariable;
    for (int 0;i <= 10;i++){
  intvariable = i;
  System.out.println("All the values are : \n intvariable = " 

+ intvariable + "\nconstint = " + constint);
  System.out.println("Directory of this file : c:\\code\\");

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