Thursday 18 August 2016

hours and minutes in words

Given a time in numbers we can convert it into words. For example :
5 : 00 ——  five o’clock
5 : 10 ——  ten minutes past five
5 : 15 ——  quarter past five
5 : 30 ——  half past five
5 : 40 ——  twenty minutes to six
5 : 45 ——  quarter to six
5 : 47 ——  thirteen minutes to six
Write a program which first inputs two integers, the first between 1 and 12 (both inclusive) and second between 0 and 59 (both inclusive) and then prints out the time they represent, in words.
Your program should follow the format of the examples above.

1. INPUT :
TIME : 3,0
OUTPUT : 3 : 00 Three o’ clock
2. INPUT :
TIME : 7,29
OUTPUT : 7 : 29 Twenty nine minutes past seven
3. INPUT :
TIME : 6,34
OUTPUT : 6 : 34 Twenty six minutes to seven
4. INPUT :
TIME : 12,1
OUTPUT : 12 : 01 One minute past Twelve
5. INPUT :
TIME : 12,45
OUTPUT : 12 : 45 Quarter to One
6. INPUT :
TIME : 10,59
OUTPUT : 10 : 59 One minute to Eleven
7. INPUT :
TIME : 14,60
OUTPUT : Incorrect Input
Test your program for the data values given in the examples above and some random data.

public class TimeInWords

    public static void main(String args[])throws IOException
        BufferedReader br=new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(;
        /* Inputting hours and minutes */
        System.out.print("Enter Hours : ");
        int h=Integer.parseInt(br.readLine());
        System.out.print("Enter Minutes : ");
        int m=Integer.parseInt(br.readLine());
        if((h>=1 && h<=12) && (m>=0 && m<=59)) // checking whether given input is legal or not.
         /* creating an array containing numbers from 1-29 in words */

        String words[]={"", "One", "Two", "Three", "Four", "Five", "Six","Seven", "Eight", "Nine","Ten",
        "Twenty","Twenty one", "Twenty two", "Twenty three", "Twenty four", "Twenty five",
        "Twenty six","Twenty seven","Twenty eight", "Twenty nine"};
         /* The below code is for finding whether to print the word 'minute' or 'minutes' */
         String plu, a;
         if(m == 1 || m == 59)
            plu = "Minute";
            plu = "Minutes";
         /* When we have minutes from 31-59, we print the hour ahead of the given hour
          * like 6:55 will be 5 minutes to 7 and not 5 minutes to 6
          * when we print the hour ahead of the given hour, we face a problem at hour = 12
          * because if we print an hour ahead of 12, it will be thirteen, but we want 1
          * so the below code checks this & decides what hour to print in words when minutes is from 31-59
            a = words[1]; //storing 'one' when hour is 12
            a = words[h+1]; //if hour is not 12, then storing in words, an hour ahead of given hour
        /* The below code checks minutes and accordingly prints the time in words using array. */
         System.out.print("Output : "+h+":"+m+" ----- "); //printing the given time in numbers

            System.out.println(words[h]+" O' clock");
         else if(m==15)
            System.out.println("Quarter past "+words[h]);
         else if(m==30)
            System.out.println("Half past "+words[h]);
         else if(m==45)
            System.out.println("Quarter to "+a);
         else if(m<30) // condition for minutes between 1-29
            System.out.println(words[m]+" "+plu+" past "+words[h]);
         else // condition for minutes between 31-59
            System.out.println(words[60-m]+" "+plu+" to "+a);
        } //end of outer if

            System.out.println("Invalid Input !"); //printing error message for illegal input

Enter Hours : 7
Enter Minutes : 16
Output : 7:16 —– Sixteen Minutes past Seven

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